Tammy Leonard's Gallery

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If you are interested in showing your work on the Guest Artist page, that can be anything from Photography, Painting to Sketching and if you are interested in any of the work by the Guest Artists, please get in contact with me.

The Square
The Square
by Tammy Leonard
by Tammy Leonard
Rocky Shore
Rocky Shore
by Tammy Leonard
by Tammy Leonard
Peggy's Cove
Peggy's Cove
by Tammy Leonard
by Tammy Leonard

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About Tammy Leonard

I have known Tammy for a few years, we met by chance at the Invermere Airport where she works as a scenic tour pilot. Tammy's first passion is flying,a commercial pilot by profession, that has an eye for photography.
Born and raised in Calgary, now living in Canmore, AB. with her husband Wayne. Her photography has taken a back seat at the moment as she pursues her Airline Transport license.
I have been in the backseat of a Cessna with her at the controls and what a flight it was, way too many laughs. I know once her dream of flying comes true and she is able to travel the world, her photography will come to the forefront. Here is a snippet of her work, enjoy her art as much as I have. Good Luck Tammy!!